Primary Role: Burst
Secondary Role: N/A
If one to search the Shadow Isles for anything of interest, they will more than likely become part of the Isles themselves, never to return to where they came from nor remembering why they came to the Isles. However, if one were to assume for a moment that there is someone strong enough to survive the influence of the Shadow Isles, then they will return home with a plethora of knowledge, ranging from the creatures that live there to the ruins that once made the place. But whatever they may discover, they will never find out the truth of what had unfolded here. But even more so, they will never find a single being that came to be after the Ruination, as all of the inhabitants of Isles are nothing more than remnants of what once made the Blessed Isles, a beautiful haven unlike the terror that exists today. Though it is true that many here come from the past, be they monks, knights, or even trees, none are a true creation of the Shadow Isles, as all beings are only influenced to change. And although this truth will never change, some beings will have you think otherwise, such as Nangyara. A wandering wraith with seemingly no purpose much like the many souls of the Isles, Nangyara's action to the eye of the passer-by might seem random, but she is very much aware of what she wanders for. Though she has no memory of whom or what she was before the Ruination, she believes that through her travels she will be able to regain those memories. Were they good memories? Or maybe they were bad memories? No one can know for sure, and certainly not she. But she only knows one thing for sure or, more accurately, two things. Those two beings the objects she holds in each of her hands: A disheveled doll in right hand, and a curved dagger in her left. As it was when she came to after the Ruination, no memories of what had unfolded, and even less of who she was. The only two things that were underneath her when she stood up are the only remnants of her past identity. And as she continued to roam the Isles in all these countless years, she learned more of the objects she holds. As it all happened with no clear indication of it coming, a wandering soul, with no special features to distinguish it from rest, levitated to close to Nangyara. Being a wraith with the power of the Shadow Isles, and one who is superior to others, she tore a fragment from the soul and placed it into the doll. The doll started to glow and green mist evaporated. Though not clear to the naked eye, Nangyara instinctively knew that whatever she was searching, the soul did not contain. She stabbed the doll with the curved dagger, as the unfortunate wandering soul exploded into fine green mist. And since that moment, her searches for the days of past became even more rigorous. She will destroy any being that will not aid her in finding her true identity. The Blessed Isles be damned, as the only thing that matters to her is finding out who she once was. And the only thing that's leading her is a child's doll. And a blade… to anyone who gets in her way.
Nangyara is a superior wraith of the Shadow Isles. She is a green ethereal entity wearing black garments fitting for a wraith that stands above the other souls of the Shadow Isles. Her two most iconic paraphernalia, as the lore would suggest, or a disheveled doll, seemingly once belonging to a child, in her right hand, and a curved dagger in her left hand.
Statistics | Base Amount (lvl coefficient) |
Health | 556(85) |
Health Regen | 6.5 (0.5) |
Mana | 430 (25) |
Mana Regen | 8 (0.3) |
Armor | 23 (3) |
Magic Resist | 30 (1) |
Attack Damage | 52 (3) |
Attack Speed | 0.625 (1.5%) |
Attack Range | 550 |
Movement Speed | 335 |
Getting Closer to the Truth
Nangyara's basic attacks against enemy champion permanently increases all of her damage from abilities against them by 2/3/4% (levels 1/7/14), stacking up to 100%.
Notes: The damage increase only applies to abilities and nothing (e.g. On-hit effects, basic attacks, etc.)
Soul Tear
60 mana (+5 every rank) | 10 seconds (-0.75 every rank) | 850 Target Range | 0.1 Cast Time
Nangyara sends out an ethereal claw in a target direction, dealing 70/105/140/175/210 (+50% AP) magic damage to the first enemy hit and applying on-hit effects. Takedowns reset the cooldown of Soul Tear.
Shadow Flash
60 mana (+5 every rank) | 12 seconds (-1 every rank) | 600 Cast Range | Angle: 40° | 0.2 Cast Time
Nangyara releases dark energy in a cone, dealing 80/110/140/170/200 (+50% AP) magic damage to all enemies hit.
Notes: Only the closest enemy champion hit will yield a Soul Fragment.
!Not What I Seek
80 mana | 16 seconds (-1.5 every rank) | 1050 Cast Range | 0.5 Cast Time
Passive: Soul Tear and Shadow Flash collect a Soul Fragment from enemy champions and infuses them into the Doll. Nangyara can only have a single Soul Fragment in the Doll from a single enemy champion at any given time. The Soul Fragment is lost upon taking damage from an enemy champion, the target moves 1200 units away from Nangyara, Nangyara acquired a Soul Fragment from a different enemy champion, or Nangyara dies. Acquiring a different Soul Fragment from the last one resets the cooldown of Not What I Seek!
Active: Nangyara targets an enemy champion whom she has a Soul Fragment from and stabs the Doll, dealing 60/85/110/135/160 (+80% AP) magic damage to that enemy champion.
!Get Out of My Way
100 mana | 140 seconds (-25s every rank) | 550 Target Range | 0.25 Cast Time
Nangyara tosses her Doll in a target direction, throwing the enemy champion whom she has a Soul Fragment from in that direction and dealing 125/200/275 (+65% AP) magic damage to them and to any enemy they come into contact with, pushing aside minions but stopping on the first enemy champion hit. Colliding with either terrain or an enemy champion will increased the damage against the target enemy champion by 15%, increased by an additional 15% if the Doll collides with terrain. Get Out of My Way! can only be cast Nangyara is in possession of a Soul Fragment.
Notes: The direction in which both the target is thrown and the doll is not like Taric's E, where the beams converge at the cursor's location. But rather the direction in which they move is identical to the other. So if the player throws the doll to the left, then the target will be thrown to the left as well.
Miscellaneous Notes
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