Primary Role: Artillery
Secondary Role: N/A
Most of what people know of Mount Targon is that it is the "capital" of the Aspects. However, this is as far as common knowledge. Though this is far from the truth, it is still accurate to say that they concentrate there. With that being said, many have tried to catch the attention of the Aspects, some going as far to make effort into becoming a host for one. Though little did they know that it is not their decision to make, as the Aspects decide for themselves who should they inhabit based on their own parameters. Though many are oblivious to fact, it didn't stop peculiar individuals from trying. One in particular goes by the name of Meteombros. The black sheep of a Solari family of nine children, Meteombros could never get anything right, whether it'd be work or recreation, or anything in between. It wasn't whether it was because of his laziness or downright incompetence, or even some other reason. Regardless, nobody really cared what the reason was. Because as far as anyone was concerned, he was nothing more than a liability. Though his behavior would soon change upon reaching his teens. Going from a lazy incompetent to a driven and determined… incompetent. In the end, nothing changed, and now everyone knew that it wasn't laziness that made him this way, because it just who he was. Failure after failure, Meteombros would stop at nothing to become better and defeat everyone's expectations. But as he continued to fail, his conviction only strengthened. It grew so strong to the point where he aspired to become the host of an Aspect. But to no one's surprise, his endeavors were to no avail. And as the years went by, his peers only saw him as "the one who is just there". Before anyone would know, 50 years passed by. But despite his determination, he could not remove the feeling of failure, which felt to him like a two mountains on each of his shoulders. His rage grew; his wrath uncurbed. Now a middle-aged man, Meteombros had nothing but repressed anger he wished to unleash on the world. All the ridicule that he suffered, he thought to himself maybe everyone was right about. The only thing that he managed to prove was that he was liable. He realized that maybe it's time to give up and accept his position as someone who cannot contribute to society. But as he thought to himself amidst solitude somewhere on the Mount, The Aspect of Wrath approached. What was seen as nothing more than a nuisance by the Targonians was viewed as an embodiment of dedication and an indestructible will for achievement; therefore, the perfect host. With decades of wrath inside him and a will to get things done, Meteombros did not think twice before embracing the Aspect and accepting him as his vessel. Now, with a newfound purpose, Meteombros must follow the desire of that which inhabits him. For that purpose is destruction and the elimination of all that which is unnecessary. And though this is just another story of an Aspect descending onto Runeterra to find a host, none can portray the irony of it, as that which was formerly considered useless is now in charge of destroying that which is currently considered useless. Let there be a lesson in this… that everyone has a purpose in this world. Because even if it's not today… then it will surely be tomorrow.
Being a host for an Aspect, Meteombros doesn't show any physical signs of divinity, except for a flaming aura evaporating from his upper body. Otherwise, he is a middle-aged man in a Targonian attire.
Statistics | Base Amount (lvl coefficient) |
Health | 520 (90) |
Health Regen | 5.5 (0.6) |
Mana | 460 (22) |
Mana Regen | 8 (0.8) |
Armor | 21.5 (3.5) |
Magic Resist | 30 (0.5) |
Attack Damage | 55 (3) |
Attack Speed | 0.625 (1.5%) |
Attack Range | 500 |
Movement Speed | 325 |
A Different Path
Meteombros' next basic attack after casting 3 abilities gains 150 range, deals 15 (+5 every level) (+20% AP) bonus magic damage and afflicts the target with Endeavor. Endeavor interacts with Meteombros' basic abilities.
Endless Effort
60 mana (+5 every rank) | 7 seconds (-0.5 every rank) | 1400 Target Range | 1600 Travel Speed | 0.2 Cast Time
Meteombros fires a construct of energy in a target direction, exploding upon coming into contact with the first enemy hit and dealing 80/125/170/215/260 (+70% AP) magic damage in an area. If the projectile came within 300 units of an enemy champion but did not hit them, then the next cast of Endless Effort gains 15% increased damage. If the attack missed a second time in a row, then the bonus damage is dealt as true damage. The stacks reset upon successfully hitting an enemy champion. If the attack comes within 300 units of an enemy champion afflicted with Endeavor, then the attack will home in on them.
Deny the Stigma
60 mana | 30 seconds (-2 every rank) | 250 Target Range | Angle: 30°
Meteombros projects Aspect energy in a cone in a target direction. Any projectile fired from an enemy champion is reflected back in that direction with 80/85/90/95/100% of the damage but otherwise full effect. Deny the Stigma cannot reflect ultimates but will still negate them.
Fury Embrace
85 mana | 20 seconds (-1 every rank) | 7000 Cast Range | 400 Effect Radius | 0.1 Cast Time
Meteombros calls down a divine attack at a target location. After a delay of 3.25 seconds, the attack commences, dealing 80/130/180/230/280 (+65% AP) magic damage to all enemies hit and slowing them by 45% for 2 seconds. The attack delay is only visible to the enemy in the last 2 seconds, during which time the area is revealed, and minions who have been hit by Fury Embrace in the last 5 seconds will have Endless Effort pass through them but will otherwise not explode. Fury Embrace will slowly move towards enemy champion afflicted with Endeavor within its area of effect at a speed of 75 units a second in the last 2 seconds in which it is revealed to them..
Leave Me Be
100 mana | 120 seconds (-20s every rank) | 400 Target Range | 0.1 Cast Time
Meteombros targets an enemy champion and stabs them with energy-made blade, dealing 300/425/550 (+100% AP) magic damage. After a delay of 0.3 second, Meteombros teleports 1300 units away from the target in which he attacked them.
Notes: If Meteombros would teleport in a spot where there is impassable terrain, then he will teleport behind it, further distancing himself from the target.
Miscellaneous Notes
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